Algorithmis in Practice/Competitive Programming – CMPUT-303-403/Fall-2023
- Week-01-Intro (Ended)
- Mirror Images
- Building Pyramids
- Amsterdam Distance
- Integer Division
- Piece of Cake!
- The Clock
- H-Index
- Andrew the Ant
- Week-02-Data-Structures-Binary-Search (Ended)
- Open-Pool-303 (Ended)
- Dejavu
- Election
- Turbo
- Letter Wheels
- Password Hacking
- Millionaire Madness
- Otpor
- Interview Queue
- First Orchard
- Pebble Solitaire
- Messages from Outer Space
- Tight words
- Particle Collision
- Buzzwords
- Playing the Slots
- Book Club
- Bumped!
- Mini Battleship
- Quantum Superposition
- Bundles of Joy
- Multiplication Table
- Open-Pool-403-Easy (Ended)
- Neighborhood Watch
- Checkmate in One
- The Magical 3
- Multiplication Game
- Wordle with Friends
- Decisions, Decisions
- Forest for the Trees
- Ticket Completed?
- Thesaurus
- Matrix Keypad
- The Biggest Triangle
- PUBNite
- Slide Count
- Open-Pool-403-Medium (Ended)
- RSA Mistake
- Concentration
- Homework
- Interview Queue
- Snowball Fight
- Pegs and Legs
- Folding a Cube
- Gwen's Gift
- Polyline Simplification
- Paper Snowflakes
- Maximum Rent
- Flow Free
- City Destruction
- Dacey the Dice
- Particle Collision
- Modelling Problems
- Palindromic Naming
- Exploding Kittens
- Bundles of Joy
- Loot Chest
- Molecules
- Figurine Figures
- Open-Pool-403-Hard (Ended)
- Initials
- Solution Pollution
- Team Change
- Lane Switching
- Stack Construction
- Rubik's Revenge in ... 2D!? 3D?
- Central String
- Trade Routes
- Delivering Goods
- Antimatter Rain
- Matchings
- Trimming Convex Polygons
- Dog Trouble
- Open-Pool-403-Diabolical (Ended)
- Apple Orchard
- Permutation CFG
- Special Cycle
- Cookie Cutter
- Another Coin Weighing Puzzle
- Sneaky Snowninjas
- The King's Guards
- k-Colouring of a Graph
- Bomas
- Triangular Logs
- Tree Canopy Graphs
- Reset
- Fail Fast
- Who Watches the Watchmen?
- Cram
- A Tree and Two Edges
- Seminar-Sep14-Practice (Ended)
- Week-03-Brute-Force-and-Greedy (Ended)
- Seminar-Sep21-Practice (Ended)
- Week-04-Dynamic-Programming (Ended)
- Seminar-Sep21-Graded (Ended)
- Week-05-Graph-Algorithms (Ended)
- Seminar-Oct05-Practice (Ended)
- Week-06-Combinatorics-Probability (Ended)
- Seminar-Oct12-Practice (Ended)
- Week-07-String-Algorithms (Ended)
- Seminar-Oct19-Practice (Ended)
- Week-08-Geometry (Ended)
- Seminar-Oct26-Graded (Ended)
- Week-09-Number-Theory (Ended)
- Seminar-Nov2-Practice (Ended)
- The Deal of the Day
- This Ain't Your Grandpa's Checkerboard
- Peragrams
- Flipping Patties
- Baby Bites
- Early Orders
- Week-10-External-Data-Structures (Ended)
- Week-11-Matchings-Flows (Ended)
- Seminar-Nov9-Practice (Ended)
- Seminar-Nov23-Graded (Ended)
Zac Friggstad | Teacher |
Jiacheng Wu | Teaching Assistant |
Mason Bly | Teaching Assistant |
Md Akif Chowdhury | Teaching Assistant |