Problems here count as a "hard" problem for the purposes of scoring in the open pools for CMPUT 403. But they are way harder (on average) than problems in the hard open pool. I encourage students to not work on these problems unless they already have extensive problem solving experience. Do so at your own risk!
Most of these are just a selection of problems from the top 1/3 hardest problems from the North America Championship, but there are a few outside of that as well.
Start & End Times
Start Time | 2023-09-13 09:00 CEST |
End time | 2023-12-08 07:55 CET |
Pass/Fail — Unranked
Each problem is pass/fail. Participants are not ranked
- Results are shown without limitation.
- Only groups that have solved at least 100 problems are shown.
Ada Algol 68 APL Bash C C# C++ COBOL Common Lisp Crystal C with GMP C++ with GMP C with Memory Check C++ with Memory Check D Dart Elixir Erlang F# Forth Fortran Go Haskell Java JavaScript (Node.js) JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) Java with Algs4 Julia Kotlin Lua Modula-2 Nim Objective-C OCaml Octave Odin Pascal Perl PHP Prolog Python 2 Python 3 Python 3 with NumPy Racket Ruby Rust Simula 67 Smalltalk SNOBOL Swift TypeScript Visual Basic Zig