Competitive Algorithmics – CMPUT-403/CMPUT-403-W20
- OpenGroup++ (Ended)
- 3-Sided Dice
- Bilateral Projects
- Blazing New Trails
- Delivering Goods
- Domino
- Exponial
- Goat Ropes
- Intercept
- k-Colouring of a Graph
- Landscaping
- Magical Crystals
- Pesky Mosquitoes
- Palindromes
- Palindromic DNA
- Toy Railway
- Ski Resort
- Stack Construction
- Common Subexpression Elimination
- Xor Maximization
- OpenGroup-- (Ended)
- Boggle
- Book Club
- Cave Exploration
- Coprime Integers
- Dominos
- Farey Sequence Length
- Flow Free
- Goofy Geometry
- I Can Guess the Data Structure!
- Iks
- Imperfect GPS
- An Industrial Spy
- In Flagrante Delicto
- Knights in Fen
- Ladice
- Maximum Rent
- Molekule
- Non-Prime Factors
- Piece It Together
- Program
- Quantum Superposition
- Railroad Map
- Robot Protection
- Studying For Exams
- Tomography
- Tournament
- Transportation Delegation
- Week 01: Getting Started (Ended)
- A Prize No One Can Win
- Dirty Driving
- Euler's Number
- Flow Layout
- Plotting Polynomials
- Sum Squared Digits Function
- Tai's formula
- Week 02: Brute Force + Backtracking (Ended)
- Week 03: Dynamic Programming (Ended)
- Week 04: Graph Theory 1 (Ended)
- Week 05: Geometry (Ended)
- Week 06: Data Structures (Ended)
- Week 07: Combinatorics and Probability (Ended)
- Week 08: Strings (Ended)
- Week 09: Number Theory (Ended)
- Week 10: Graph Theory 2 (Ended)
- Week 11: Numerical Problems (Ended)
Zac Friggstad | Teacher |
Brandon Fuller | Teaching Assistant |